Wednesday, December 2, 2009

AIDS is bad.

Yesterday was AIDS awareness day. Since I am a day behind I will blog about it now.

Facts about AIDS:

•Two million people died from AIDS in 2007 (5,500 people per day), and 72 percent of these deaths were in sub-Saharan Africa.
•Over 33 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, and 67 percent of these infected people live in sub-Saharan Africa.
•Fifty percent of adults living with HIV/AIDS are women.
•There are 7,400 new infections every day (95 percent in developing countries).
• HIV/AIDS is a "disease of young people" with 45 percent of the new infections each year occurring among people ages 15 to 24.
•Annually, there are 70,000 new infections of children under age 15. Many of these children are or will become orphans. Without treatment, approximately half of the children with perinatal infection will die by the age of 2.
•The estimated number of orphans under 18 years of age in sub-Saharan Africa is 11 to 12 million.

(from )

In the US alone there are 1.1 people living with HIV/AIDS. There are many new infections every year.

And in Africa children are orphaned and a lot are born with HIV or infected before age 15. We need to find a cure. Everyone responded to Swine Flu, AIDS is being overlooked, overshadowed by lesser diseases or diseases that affect Americans. We can't ignore the dying children just because they aren't right here.

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