Friday, July 30, 2010

I'll never make that deep connection. I can't. I don't exist beyond this. I'm just made to hurt and scorn. I'm good at it.
There is something really wrong with me. I don't know what it is. And if I did I probably couldn't fix it. I'm completely screwed. & I don't understand why.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Pills can't fix an existential crisis." "Wanna bet?"
If u donate 2 the paypal & help save a family's home, u'll b my new favorite person (which has it's benefits)... (Those being free hugs)
I try to be good. I help people who need help & try all I can... But I'm really a terrible person & I can't change it.
Dear boys, stop being so cute, I'm not going for that right now. Love, Sandi

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Must convince myself I'm gay so I don't flirt with boys... Ahh, struggle! :(
I told him I didn't feel it. I'm with her. I like her... But I can't stand it when he's sad.
I wish I could hurry up & sell my plasma so I could lose this weight I gained to sell it.
I kno a family w/ a 3month old baby. They lose the house in 6days if we don't come up w/ the $. We made a paypal 4 donations: Anything helps

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 my comic book: 1) create stupid characters. 2) Write crappy dialog. 3) Offend Every1. 4) Write vague/disturbing disclaimer. 5) Grossly overprice the crap.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I like women who look like they could kill me.
Attractive women in skimpy clothes. Roller derby with Aunt Ann. Fuck I'm a closet case to her.
It would be so sacreligious if my girlfriend's text tone went off in the middle of church. I would lol. Ans go to Hell :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Donate to help a family keep their house. The paypal is
I don't believe in belief or reality anymore. None of this or all of this could be real. And I'm doubting anything I don't like.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I need a fuck buddy. Since real love is just a bad idea.
If I walk down this hallway, insanity is the only end. If I turn back, I die... Lets pause & be glad for a moment that the hallway doesn't have tacky curtains.
If you marry me, that means you have committed a great sin and I am your eternal punishment.
I told him. It was an edited version of the truth, but I did tell him.
Sexuality is a big jumbled mess and we should all just love who we love and stop being uptight bitches about it.
Then again, I'm also in love with one of my friends... How anyone believes I'm gay is beyond me...
The "Take Me Out" scene in the movie version of Rent always gets me. Damn. How anyone believes I'm straight is beyond me...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hey, I didn't know insomnia was a symptom of early stage schizophrenia. I learned that while I was not sleeping. How exciting!... Yea, looks like I'm crazy.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just got a wedding invitation from my friends Sandy & Brad! That's crazy! Weren't we all just kids recently?
I think it's amazing that people all over the world can share their lives and never meet each other. We can be alone in life. And billions can know.

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's nights like these when the thirst is my enemy, not the emptiness.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The only truth left to accept is that there is no truth to know. I can never know what is real or what is right. Ever. And that scares me.
We're all constantly travelling through time. We don't know it because memory is a thing of the present.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hey Steven, click my 'home page' link on twitter, look at this, and read that I think I'm in love with you and you shouldn't even want to talk to me...

Friday, July 16, 2010

I am probably going to do something really stupid soon, ruin a friendship, & potentially later kill myself... Yay.
My body & mind are failing at about equal rates now. Soon I won't have either. I can't handle being powerless. I can't handle this failure!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I think about it, and I had all of the signs they tell you about in pamphlets. People should maybe have been more concerned...
Mommy Dearest loves the phrase "It's not always the parents' fault." Yup, my parents are perfectly good, normal people/ their own heads.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My parents are, allegedly, considering not funding my college. So I'm probably going to be killing myself soon.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I don't know who I am.
Working with Stephanie for the next few days should hold me over for a while...
Quote of the Day: "You should get your mom to smoke pot!" -Mandy. I like quotes that reflect my life...and they really do...
I never kno if how I feel is really how I feel b/c I'm crazy & my own feelings feel less real sometimes than the irrational crap up there. I have 2 wait a week.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I have a pretty great girlfriend.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Would it be wrong? I know it would. Fucking with the order of things is bad. I stopped doing that for a reason. But...
I sware if I keep thinking about him I'm going to cry. And thinking about other stuff is just as unhelpful.
We even look perfect together. Fuck!!! Someone stop me and give me your courage so I can stop thinking about all of this and just do something!

Friday, July 9, 2010

He's depressed. I'm a little depressed. I want to help him. I want him to be okay. I want us to be okay.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm not dating the man I love. No, but I am dating a girl I care about. I just want to make sure her first kiss is with someone who cares.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I wish this intrusive thought would go away. "I can kill everyone." No, no, you can't. Stfu.
I am always falling for derivations of the name Stephen/Stephan. Always. And never have they loved me back. Pathetic.
"I wanted to raise the kids Jewish. He wanted to sleep with men." - Will & Grace. Also my problem...
Reasons to keep a diary: 1) prevents multiple homicide. 2) prevents suicide. 3) helps you not forget stuff.
Know I've only been single 4 a day, but I never had these in my relationship either. I really want someone 2 hold me & 2 have intellectual conversations w/ me.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I think I'm going to kill myself.
A year and I didn't even get dat booty.
The guy with whom I am in love broke up with my boyfriend for me.

Monday, July 5, 2010

All I've ever wanted is for someone to be there for me, and I'm afraid soon there will be no one.
If I'm in a relationship and we're in love, why am I so lonely?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Took half an antidepressant and going to eat about 40lbs of chocolate. PMS is fun!
With all the fireworks, this would be a good time to grab a boy and kiss him passionately. I'm sure my boyfriend agrees.
I am on the brim of something horrible and I feel like jumping over the edge.
Am I a horrible person? Someone give an honest answer already...
If I blow out my brains, I think that would make everything stop. It would be cowardly & selfish, but it would all stop.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The secret to never having a fight is to never talk to each other & regard the other with mild indifference. It makes you suicidal, but you won't fight.
Someone destroy the part of the brain making me feel the wrong things. Even if I have to feel nothing, this is wrong.
I believe in Love. I really do. I also realize that it is a total bitch that will fuck you then shit in your face & somehow leave you looking like the skank.
In love with my boyfriend's best friend... How are you?